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The Post-Grad Accessible Job Hunt

Georgia Vine

Yes, you did read the title correctly after debating on whether I would blog about this I decided to take the plunge.

The post-grad accessible job hunt… well, where do I blogging (pun intended) start?

In the months leading up to finishing university I began looking for jobs, signing up to newsletters creating accounts with job hunting websites etc I was looking as I didn’t want to miss my opportunity yet I was only going to apply if it felt right. I was already on my last legs with placement and assignments so, I really didn’t have the spoons to apply for a job just for the sake of it. Plus the idea of me heading straight into work wouldn’t have been a smart one given my fatigue levels.

When university finished, I started to really begin my search beyond what I’d been doing previously and reached out to more agencies on LinkedIn. But it still had to be right, for example I can’t work on a ward and be on my feet all day and I can’t drive far due to fatigue. Therefore, my search has been in my home city or cities I can get to without a long journey and the jobs that come up near me that are accessible are few and far between.

I have only been for a four interviews and I feel a bit like a fraud doing this post as I know that four isn’t a lot. Yet, its not the unsuccessful interviews I am feeling down about (not trying to be too negative stay with me) it’s the fact thats it’s providing harder than I thought to even find a suitable potential job.

Then the ones that I do find I don’t feel I am good enough to go for because I haven’t been in practice since December 2019 due to the pandemic.

Yes, sorry I mentioned the pandemic, but I just can’t not and that’s why it was so important for me to do this post as raw as it is. Applying for a post-grad job is challenging for most but add access needs and a pandemic into the bag… well, do I need to say more?

The application process itself, is also quite mentally exhausting. Do I disclose? Do I need to ring up before or just briefly mention it in my personal statement when I'm talking about my roles outside of occupational therapy?

Theres a lot to think about and as much I really want a job this is probably also partly why I have only been for four roles as the anxiety I get does slow down my pace and change the way in which I process the events.

I know I will get a job and in a few months time (hopefully) I'll be writing another reflection saying how thankful I was for this extended job hunting period.

I am thankful for how amazing my other support networks have been during this time especially AbleOTUK. Talk about timing for the group to launch as at the moment I feel like I need the most support a disabled occupational therapy graduate than I have done for the last 3-years during my studies.

Did you have trouble finding a post-grad job or are you experiencing a similar situation to me right now? Leave your thoughts below lets create a conversation- you know how much I love them!

a 21-year-old Newly Qualified Occupational Therapist and an ambassador for CP Teens UK. I am a disability blogger writing about my lived experienced of disability and life as a disabled occupational therapist. In 2021 I was named a Rising Star on the Shaw Trust’s #DisabilityPower100

CP Teens UK Upcoming Disability Blogger of the Year 2020

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