OTWB Student Chapter
Why set up a Chapter
Support and advice
Enhance your student experience with CPD activities
Meet other OT Students
If there isn’t already OTWB Student Chapter (OTWB -SC) or group at your university, you can set one up yourself; contact OTWB UK Public Engagement Manager, David, to talk about setting one up.
Set Up a Student Chapter
If there isn’t already OTWB Student Chapter (OTWB -SC) or group at your university, you can set one up yourself. Contact OTWB UK Public Engagement Manager, David, to talk about setting one up.
Find a university Chapter
There are many OTWB Student Chapters or groups in Colleges or Universities around the world. Each are made up of student supporters, who campaign, and raise awareness about our profession, work and global health issues.
Contact your local OTWB-SC to get involved. If there is not a Chapter at your College or University, why not consider setting one up yourself?
How to set up OTWB Student Chapter (OTWB-SC)
If there isn’t already OTWB Student Chapter (OTWB -SC) or group at your university, you can set one up yourself.
Here is our step guide on how to do it:
1. Get in touch
If there is no existing group then contact OTWB UK Public Engagement Manager, David, to talk about setting one up.
2. Form your committee
An official OTWB Student Chapter (OTWB-SC) must consist of at least two committee positions - President and Treasurer.
Other useful roles include Secretary, Vice-President, Publicity Secretary, Social Secretary and Liaison Officer.
3. Sign the Memorandum of Understanding
This officially affiliates you to the Society network. When we have received this from you, we can send you a welcome email with some useful resources. Request this from David.
4. Register as a formal university society
Speak to your students' union - they can advise you on the best way to go about this. Most students' unions will have some money set aside for societies, make sure you find out what you’re entitled to.
They may also be able to help with publicity and printing costs for OTWB Student Chapter events.
5. OTWB UK sets up a group email account and a Sub-domain
An email account will be set up for you example: youruniversity@otwithoutborders.com. Or choose an email name which will identify you as OTWB-SC society to others, for example: youruniversityOTWB@gmail.com. Generic account names can stay the same even if members change.
A Sub-domain will also be set up to help the society support the work example: youruniversityOTWB.otwothoutborders.com
You should also set up a Facebook page, twitter account and any relevant social media page to keep your members informed of your activities on social media, share that with OTWB UK and make sure to ‘like’ the Official OTWB page.
6. Recruit some general members
The best time to do this is at your freshers’ fair, but you can also advertise around your campus with posters, stalls, flyers and online. Some societies charge members a small joining fee which can then be used to support group activities in aid of OTWB.
7. Plan for the year
Decide how often you want to hold meetings and plan some fundraisers, awareness-raising and campaigns. Talk through your ideas with David, who can help you. Don’t spread yourself too thinly; a couple of well-run, productive events each term works best.
8. Hold an introductory evening
Kick-start your group with an open event to boost numbers. You can host a short talk, film, quiz or music night.
9. Keep in touch!
Talk through your plans with David and keep him informed of all your activities throughout the year.
Take lots of photos and use social media to promote what you’re doing. We’ll also share your posts through OTWB UK's social media channels and official website.